Thanks to the vendors and exhibitors below who participated in 2024. If you're interested in joining us for 2025, please submit your vendor application here!
- Adam Gebler for Mayor
- Age-Friendly Northfield
- Arcadia Charter School
- FiftyNorth
- Friends of Pride in the Park
- Harvest Pack
- KYMN Radio
- Lesbian Forager
- Moms Demand Action - Northfield
- Northfield Arts Guild
- Northfield Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
- Northfield High School Environmental Club
- Northfield Public Library
- Northfield Public Library Sewing Circle
- Northfield Rotary Club
- Northfield Union of Youth (The Key)
- Rice County Habitat for Humanity
- Rural AIDS Action Network
- Stonewall DFL
- Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion- St. Olaf College
- Acorn Queen Creations
- Annika Sews
- Ariadna Designs
- Content Bookstore
- Drakey Draws
- Homebody MN
- Johnna Joy Designs
- Julie Frank Art
- Just Food Co-op
- Just Me Geralyn & Glass
- Koalaty Knits and The Great Indoors
- Lad Agaric Arts
- Logan Elizabeth Embroidery
- NINE Rock Shop and Spiritual Supplies
- Plush Pup
- Rokaturas
- Schmidt Homes, Inc
- Studio Schulz
- Sweet Tooth Treats Northfield
- The Cove Jewelry
- This Life Rocks
- Wings Credit Union
- All Saints Episcopal Church
- Bethel Lutheran Church
- Congregational Church of Faribault
- First United Church of Christ, Northfield
- Northfield United Methodist Church
- St. John's Lutheran Church
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield
- Cannon River Acupuncture
- HealthFinders Collaborative
- Misfit Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Northfield Area Family YMCA
- Northfield Hospital + Clinics